
Welcome To Your Dream World

Hello People, Yes this is my first encounter with you all out there. I am super curious to know all of you out there and I hope you all too would like to know who is speaking to you all. Hi this is Gunjan Choudhary, Chartered Accountant by Profession, Cheerful Woman, Opening to World with her Ideas, Wishes fulfilling her long term Dream. It took me 10 years to finally start this Blog; as it is rightly said: “Better Late Than Never” Thus, Here I am with my Blog in front of you all. My known ones call me as a Person with Strong Determination. Life has been very generous to me as I am blessed with lovely Family & Friends; of course with it I had my share of struggles offered by life to me from time to time. But then what is life without up and downs even to live our life our heartbeats are supposed to be waving up and down. A straight line there too states that the person is dead. Life Experiences, Wishes & Dreams of each one of us out there are differen